Windows from Wiesloch

I was walking around the town centre of Wiesloch, a town just south of Heidelberg and here are some attractive houses with windows from there.

And here is something kind of special: A photo (with windows) of the word’s first petrol station:

Yes, that’s right. Bertha Benz on her historic first long distance drive in 1888 stopped here at the Wiesloch town pharmacy to buy fuel. Thus making this the first petrol station.

Monday Window




12 thoughts on “Windows from Wiesloch

    1. Bertha must have been a formidable woman. In later years, it was claimed that she only “accompanied” her teenage sons who were actually driving. Meanwhile, she repaired the car twice on the drive (once with a hat pin) because she knew what to do. She also did this because she suspected (and rightly so) that only a successful long distance drive (100km in a bit more than 12 hours) would rouse interest in her husband’s invention and make it a commercial success.

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  1. Fascinating. I had known of Bertha’s “escapade” but did not know that it was in Wiesloch where she bought the fuel. She certainly was a driving force for her husbands enterprise (pun intended).

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