De Special Relationship

Germans have a special relationship with the sound TH. Whether it be the voiced one (de) or the unvoiced one (ze).

Now why did I presume that today's alphabet is "th" rather than D? 
I will leave it dough since 
a) I am lazy and it's DONE already 
b) there are many d-words in dis post, like de, dis, dat.

Of course, most of you have watched this (dis) add:

If not, here is one of the (de) many links:

Dis is Friedrich Rückert deep in thought (zought) sitting on the market square of his hometown Schweinfurt. He was a poet, philosopher, philologist, translator and simply a language genius – it’s said that he spoke 40 languages. Definitely thinking (zinking), not sinking (sinking).

Little goblins, gnomes and imps have to do some thinking (zinking) on occasion. Mind you, if you throw this (dis) one in the (de) water he will definitely be sinking.

And frogs, frogs are deep thinkers (zinkers). Just think of Kermit, a philosopher’s frog if ever there (der) was one. This (Dis) particular one is still practicising but he already managed the thought (zought) bubbles above his head. What do you zink of dis? What is he zinking about?

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge: Word with a D Anywhere


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