#24 Artemis

Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is always depicted with a quiver of arrows and bow although her brother Apollo is the God of Archery. The sculpture of her in our local park – a copy of a French copy of a Roman copy of a Greek copy (I think) was in dire need of reconstruction. I’m happy to report that she has been restored to her former glory and I hope I’ll pass her soon and a get a photo of her renewed and reconstructed face and figure.

And here is a long shot of her:

Square #24 in May: Reconstruct



8 thoughts on “#24 Artemis

    1. Sorted out wp (links still don’t work the way I used to them but they work another way 🙄 ) . But much more importantly: I passed Artemis / Diana earlier today and once I shooed several bridal couples off I got a direct view of her and added that to the post. [PS: I wasn’t nasty, I just slipped in quickly between two photo sessions. The park is very popular with wedding photographers – the registry office in the local town hall (formerly known as the Weinheim Castle) is within easy walking distance.]


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