When I Became a Paparazzi

I just had to sneak a photo of those three!

Cellpic Sunday




9 thoughts on “When I Became a Paparazzi

    1. A good cartoon has the ability to entertain children as well as adults. It also means that those who saw it as kids will come back to it later. Shrek is definitely one of those.

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  1. I posted a comment a few moments ago, but it didn’t show up. If it’s in your spam folder, you can release it and delete this one. I’ve had some trouble lately with valid comments ending up in my WordPress account’s spam folder.

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      1. I’ve gotten in the habit of checking my spam folder a couple of times a week. It used to only contain true spam, but in the last few months, I’ve found “unspamly” comments. (Is unspamly a word? >grin<)

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      2. I never used to check until 2 weeks ago when Fandango pointed out his favourite spammers (all ending in -ek). Ever since then I’ve had hundreds of spam posts. But strangely enough, only on 2 particular, relatively old posts. I’ve deleted one and set one to “private” and the -eks have not yet found me again. But I will be watching.

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