Tag: Andernach

In summer, the king is in

The Andernach Geysir in the Eifel region of Germany is the highest cold-water geysir in the world. It is situated on a peninsula of the Moselle and only easily reachable by boat.  During the summer season every couple of hours a boat with several hundred tourists takes the trip (going slowly so that there is enough time to have some coffee and cake, or a beer if one desires).  The viewers walk a few hundered metres, arriving in time for the scheduled eruption, oooh and aaah appreciatevely and then return to the town.  The water spray is indeed impressive, up to 60 metres high.

In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, there is a high water fountain that only is switched on if the king is in residence in the palace.  Hence, our private saying whenever we see a fountain: The king is in.

27 water a

27 water b

27 water c

27 water d

27 water e

27 water f

This is for Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge with the subject water.  More watery pictures can be found here.