Tag: Bier


Two packets of crisps and a beer (a shanty, actually). Two beers and a packet of crisps. Three crates of beer (shanty and lager). Unfortunately, I was too slow and could only capture the empties. Thursday Trios

Drink more Water

Most fountains in Germany carry a plaque telling people that the water is not potable.

Although it is seldom affixed in a such a charming place.

In all probability the water is perfectly safe and good – however, the authorities don’t check it as often as properly potable water sources and don’t want to be held accountable.

But no matter how large the sign, how loud the proclamation – people fetch water from these fountains. The one at the bottom right is off a busy federal road, and more often than not when I pass it people are collecting water from the spout. They claim it is for their aquariums because it contains less calcium than our town tap water but I’m pretty sure they are using it for their own consumption as well.

There are drinking fountains as well, usually in towns, but not that many. Here is another one:

Oops! — I wish they had more of those around, though.

Water, Water Everywhere




We’re Here Because of Beer

I found an additional definition of “fleshment” in Collins Dictionary: “excitement or stimulation via previous experience”. Even though it’s flagged as archaic, the concept is still very much alive and well.

We passed the Schmucker brewery in Mossautal yesterday. This beer delivery truck stood in front of the hotel and pub. The weather was gorgeous and many, many Pentecoast Monday day trippers succumbed to the lure of the various brews advertised on the side of the truck. No doubt they remembered the stimulation from other times. If they do yield to the temptation on a regular basis the first Collins definition “the act of fattening” will be seen on them.

PS: We stopped and had a wonderfully fresh lager on tap. All had a full glass, I had one long sip – I was the driver.

The Ragtag Daily Prompt: Fleshment