Tag: paths

How tall will you grow?

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In our local forest the sign posts direct you to the different exotic species found.  Three sequoia varieties are there, the coast or California redwood (Küstenmammutbaum), the giant redwood (Riesenmammutbaum), and the sequioadendron giganteum (Urweltmammutbaum).  One of the unique features of the Exotenwald Weinheim is that not only a few specimen were planted but whole hectares of one kind. When the arboretum was started around 1870 almost 1500 sequoias were planted, most of which survived and are now tall and majestic.  With the exception of the Urweltmammutbaum, said to be a living fossil and only discovered in 1941 – but there are a few of those as well, planted in 2011 and apparently thriving.

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Many of the paths are wide and well maintained, perfect for a stroll rather than a hike.

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But it is fun to leave those and turn down (or up) narrower

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and darker paths.

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For Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge.  More photos of paths, ways, streets, avenues, or alleys can be found here.


Wishful thinking

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Snow was last year.  I wish we had some more real cold winter weather like we used to have.
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But even after miserable winters, spring will come again.  Even in black and white I can “see” the verdant meadows and the colourful flowers.

For Cee’s Black&White Photo Challenge.  More walks and roads can be found here.