Tag: Skulptur

There I Was, Minding My Own Business

Every now and then one comes unexpectedly across a really strange creature.

Kurt Halbritter Siegfried Böttcher Komische Kunst Barfuesser

This delightful critter is the creation of Kurt Halbritter and is called a barefooter (Barfüßer) or pedarius nudus peregrinatorum. Halbritter made sketches of the barefooter in the 1970s, and in 2016 Siegfried Böttcher made it into a bronze sculpture. It now stands and waits to surprise unsuspecting strollers in the Brentano Park in Frankfurt as part of several art objects titled “Comical Art”.

One Word Sunday: Unexpected




All Purpose Fences

Fences make for good neighbours. Chatting over a fence is a time honoured pastime. It has the advantage that it keeps the opponents separate.

Fences can also have an important purpose. It can keep toads from being squashed by cars when they have the unsquashable urge to get to the pond were they were spawned. It makes them wait until they are collected and carried over the road.

The fence may be rusty but it is collecting new dummies from toddlers who want to give up an outgrown habit.

Fences can be overcome, sometimes only partially. It depends on the temptation on the other side.

Of course, there are always masters of the art.

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #258: Fences


