Tag: Straßen

Four Seasons

Looking through my files for cloudy and stormy photos to fit today’s theme, I picked four that were all from different seasons without planning for it. They are all from Germany except for the summer photo which I took in the Czech Republic. Cee’s Which … Continue reading Four Seasons

Old and new

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Worms, a town on the Rhine between Mannheim and Mainz, can trace its origines back to the years B.C. and the citizens were challenged to incorporate old walls and buildings into the modern lay-out throughout the ages.  The town walls we see today were built from the 12th century onwards on foundations dating back to walls of the Roman military garrissn that stood here in the first century A.D.  The big gate to one of the bridges crossing the River Rhine is much newer, and the houses can be anything from a few decades to a few centuries old.

For Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge.  More ways, paths, streets, etc. can be found here.

Wishful thinking

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Snow was last year.  I wish we had some more real cold winter weather like we used to have.
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But even after miserable winters, spring will come again.  Even in black and white I can “see” the verdant meadows and the colourful flowers.

For Cee’s Black&White Photo Challenge.  More walks and roads can be found here.