Baubles, Bangles, and Beads

Wordless Wednesday: What Are the Best Festive Colour Combinations




4 thoughts on “Baubles, Bangles, and Beads

    1. The monochrome (which turns to colour if you move the mouse over it) is courtesy of the wordpress theme I’m using. I had to ditch my old one because of problems and after trying out at least 25 different themes I’m clinging to this one because it gives me about 75% of what I really want. — Having said that, I’m glad you like my red and gold baule.


      1. Oh, wow! That’s cool that the bauble changes colour when running your mouse over it. I had no idea there were WordPress themes that did that. Would you mind me asking which theme it is you’re using?
        Glad you found a theme that does almost all of what you want from it.

        Liked by 1 person

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