
Pitschi is the story of a little cat who always wanted to be something else but which ends well, is the English byline of the book. It was written and illustrated by the Swiss artist Hans Fischer and published in the 1950s. Every now and again when I think I might like to get a tattoo I’m thinking of cat pictures from this book.

Pitschi feels like it doesn’t fit in with the other kittens so it tries out other animals. This doesn’t go well and it ends with an awful night in the rabbit coop with a fox creeping up to the hatch and Pitschi falling violently ill. It is rescued by the old woman who owns the farm and all the animals rally round to coax it back to health. In the end, they all celebrate and Pitschi feels happy to be a kitten.

The style is so typical for children’s books from the 50s and I had many books in this particular style but Pitschi is still my favourite.

Ragtag Daily Prompt: Picture Book

7 thoughts on “Pitschi

    1. Have to find a tattooist first. Whose style I like. The first one I tried where so darn unhelpful and unfriendly (like “what is this old lady doing here??!”) that I never even asked.

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