What a Difference a Hundred Years Make

FOWC with Fandango: Telephone


5 thoughts on “What a Difference a Hundred Years Make

    1. Oh! I couldn’t exist anymore without my cell phone. I use it in the classroom, as a translator, as a loudspeaker, as a photo album, as a note pad, as a reminder, as a timer, … I need these things and if I didn’t have my phone I would have to bring at least 10 other instruments.

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      1. Wow it’s super important for you and that’s great. In 2012 I got a massive cell phone bill. I didn’t ring that up at all, after a long fight I got it removed. However I leaned how little I used the phone, and how few people, called me. That made me realise I no longer needed one. I haven’t had one since.

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